There are also other editors you can use: the TinyMCE editor and a plain text editor that can be choosen. The default text editor in Moodle is called Atto HTML editor and it was built specifically for Moodle. posting on forum, e diting section headings, writing an answer to a quiz question or editing the content of many blocks.
#Plain text editor font code#
Indicator Margin: The margin at the left of the Code Editor where breakpoints and bookmark icons are displayed. Inactive Selected Text: Text that is included in the current selection when the editor has lost focus. When you are sure that the editor would work on the selected machine, you can proceed with the installation. Selected Text: Text that is included in the current selection when the editor has focus. Another MIME type often used in both email and HTTP is ' text/html charsetUTF-8' - plain text represented using the UTF-8 character encoding with HTML markup. Before anything, you need to check the compatibility of the laptop, tablet or smartphone on which the installation has to be done. For email and HTTP, the default MIME type is 'text/plain' - plain text without markup. Installing a plain text editor is a big hassle as well. The text editor is available for you every time you want to enter some text e.g. Plain Text Editor - No installation needed. In some tools, you have the option of showing or hiding the rich text editor. To convert your file to true plain text (.txt), go to the Format. These icons and pulldown lists make up what is known as a rich text editor. If there is no icon you want to use, you can always choose Edit HTML source button and edit your text manually. Text Edit saves as RTF (Rich Text) by default and includes formatting and font options. It depends on Moodle version, installed plugins and site administration settings but basic icons are usually the same. Directly pasting copied content into the CKEditor may result in formatting issues, such as multiple font types and sizes. The text editor has more icons that help us achieve this goal: hyperlinks, insert/edit image/media/table, insert special character etc. These tools help us to stress things that are important according to us or make our text more organised and easy to read. The options are shown below: Paragraph - all text is set to this option unless changed Heading 2, 3, 4, and 5 - Makes the text bigger and/or bolder.

Select the text in a paragraph, then click the Format dropdown. bold, italic, font size and family or numbered/bulleted list. While the font and size of the text is fixed, users are able to change the format of certain pieces of text. Probably most of us have been using the most popular buttons e.g. HTML gives you the option to add color, change the font, add images and videos, and include hyperlinks in your message. Plain text without any editing may be understandable for other users but it is not the best way if you want to make the content attractive to read, organised and easy to follow.
#Plain text editor font windows#
Specific collections - designer windows that offer user customization of their interface elements may expose fonts specific to their design surface in their own settings page in Tools > Options. The text editor has many icons that might be used to make the text you want to enter clearer and easy to read or use. Text editor - elements that surface in code and other text-based editors can be customized in the Text Editor page in Tools > Options.